
Embracing uniqueness – cultural diversity
as a European asset' in our eyes

Comenius project was very interesting. I met many curious people. I visited Italy (do not remember the towns' names) and Ziemia Kłodzka. I liked it very much.
Kamil Chmielewski

Comenius project is very interesting. You can visit other countries, get known new cultures. It is an opportunity to meet and make friends with people from cooperating countries. The Comenius website is well designed. It is very useful to find different languages there. It lets other people check what the project is about.
Maja Kluszczyńska

Comenius project is a great initiative which allows to get known culture and traditions of other countries. Thanks to the project I hope to observe foreign students' lives. The benefits from the project are characteristic – we are opening to other people, their different behaviours and life styles.
Karol Szczerbiński

I am glad that I took part in the project. Main benefits are: possibility of visiting foreign countries, improving English, making friends. There are also some disadventages which are: a weak organisation of trips abroad and faint communication. The most interesting places I visited were Hagia Sophia in Instanbul, Turkey, Atomium in Brussels, Belgium, Sassi in Italy.
Marta Frączak

I liked it very much. There was a nice atmosphere. Taking part in exchanges benefitted in visiting interesting places and making friends. The project helps with improving English. The only problem I noticed was weak communication via Internet.
Konrad Jaworski

The project links people through cooperation. It opens them thanks to possibilities of getting known other cultures, customs, views. The project learns how to adjust to a situation and how to be tolerant. It shows how different we are – the European citizens, and similar at the same time (f.ex. we have the same problem with learning English). The project shows and convinces that if you only want there are no obstacles to cooperate. The most interesting place I visited was Toledo – the cradle of Arabic and Spanish cultures. The cathedral Primada, the Jewish Museum, mediaeval centre of Toledo are witnesses of European culture. Because I am keen on art, the Museum Prado was a curious place for me.
Małgorzata Greiner

The benefits from the project:

  1. broadening of the knowledge about the countries participating in the project, their culture, traditions, sport, education,
  2. developing skills of using foreign languages,
  3. developing skills of cooperation with other participiants.
  4. The most intersting place I visited was Toledo and its sights.

Grzegorz Szymczak

Participating in the Comenius project let me visiting the southern part of Italy. Thanks to the exchange and meeting with representavives of participating countries I realised that I need to extend my foreign language skills. I overcame my fear of flying. Youth participation in the project causes that the time they have to spend at school learning is recompensed by travelling and learning at the same time. That real life education concerns cultures of other countries, polishing foreign languages, getting known history of sights abroad.
Anna Pyziak

It is really difficult to state which meeting of all was the most attractive. Each place had its own unigue atmosphere. I think that teachers as well as students will always remember the Spanish Cathedral in Toledo and the city's breathtaking panorama, the Turkish Hagia Sophia and carpets of tulips, beautiful Matera and Sassi in Italy and an exceptional trip to the reindeers farm and the fiords of Norway. What is the most important for me and I will always remember is the people I met and our cooperation which was a great pleasure and a lesson of life at the same time. Some other adventages are: being close to other cultures, improving my English and broadening my mind. An inseparable asset of the project is its website and e-learning platform.
Anna Paździora

Date of inclusion on the website: 13.07.2010

Visit at Radio Sudety station

26th January 2010 a students from Zespół Szkół in Bielawa with teacher Małgorzata Greiner visited local radio station in Dzierżoniów. Director of the Radio Sudety, Renata Brajter, narrated about work at the radio station. Students had an opportunity to know how to be good redactor and presenter. They have known other employees of this radio: Tomasz Dudlej who is redactor of music and Janusz Mocarski – presenter. A pupils watched their work with a great interes.

Date of inclusion on the website: 26.01.2010

Our Visit To The Radio

On the 12th January we got on a bus that took us from Villaluenga to Toledo, to visit a radio station named “Radio Aquí”. We were 12 people and, of course, we were very excited. There wasn’t anybody who didn’t seem to be nervous, even our teacher, Miguel Ángel.

We paid attention to everything we were told we should do, and when we arrived at the radio station, we jumped off the bus as quickly as we could.

Radio workers gave us a very warm welcome, and they showed us all the installations.

Then, they told us that we were going to be present during the broadcast “gente”. After that, we were going to be interviewed: the students’ representative was a schoolgirl called Raquel Guio, and the teacher who came with us was Miguel Ángel Calderón, he was also interviewed. The host asked us about Comenius project; what it is about, how many countries are participating, if we are learning new things, and he also asked us why we had gone to the radio. After that, they gave us some gifts, such as caps and t-shirts. Finally, we came back home with an ear-to-ear grin; it was a great day indeed!

Date of inclusion on the website: 12.01.2010

Visit at the NRK Sámi Radio

The NRK Sámi Radio is a unity of the Norwegian Broadcasting Company, and they send radio and television programmes which are intended for the Sámi people. The radio broadcastings started in 1946 in Tromsø, and the host was Katrine Johnsen. In 1976 NRK Sámi Radio was moved to Karasjok, and in 1984 they moved into their present building. From 1991 the channel also broadcasted TV-programmes for children every day. From the autumn 2001 they have produced the news broadcasting «Ođđasat» together with the Swedish Broadcasting Company and the Finnish Broadcasting company. The NRK Sámi Radio also produces TV and Radio programmess for NRK's local news.

The NRK Sámi Radio is led by Nils Johan Heatta and they have local branches in Tana Kautokeino, Manndalen, Tromsø, Skånland, Tysfjord and Snåsa.

The language which is used is both Sámi and Norwegian, and there are used some different dialects of the Sámi language.
By Piera H. T. Guttorm

Date of inclusion on the website: 10.01.2010

History Of Turkish Language

Turkish is a very ancient language and belongs to the Altaic branch of the Ural-Altaic family of languages. As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, it is spoken by almost 65 million people in Turkey and over a large geographical area in Europe and Asia.

It is spoken in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uigur and some population in Cyprus (11.6%) Mongolia (1%), Iran (Turkic and Turkic dialects 26%, Turkish 1%) Iraq (10%). Furthermore, over a million speakers are found in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece, more than 1.5 million speakers live in Germany and nearly half a million live in other European countries.

With a few exceptions, the main features which distinguish the Altaic languages from Indo-European are as follows:

  • Vowel harmony is a feature of all Ural-Altaic tongues,
  • No gender,
  • Agglutination,
  • Adjectives precede nouns,
  • Verbs come at the end of the sentence.

Date of inclusion on the website: 13.10.2009

The Turkish Alphabet

The Turkish alphabet contains 29 letters. There are 8 vowels and 21 consonants. Although letters Q, W, X do not appear, there are 6 more letters, namely; Ç, G, Ş, Ö, Ü, I. The other letters are the same in both alphabets, but they are pronounced differently.


as in 'ugly'


as in 'garage'


as in 'bell'


as in 'kettle'


as in 'jealous'


as in 'leg'


as in 'chair'


as in 'men'


as in 'desk'


as in 'never'


as in 'elephant'


as in 'orchestra'


as in 'fast'


as in 'urge'


as in 'get'


as in 'pen'


as in 'helicopter'


as in 'red'


as in 'number'


as in 'sell'


as in 'insect'


as in 'shelf'


as in 'telephone'


as in 'oops'


as in 'fruit'


as in 'vegatable'


as in 'yes'


as in 'zebra'

Date of inclusion on the website: 13.10.2009

Trip to the mountains

The 26 March the entire school spent a nice day out. The weather was very cold in the morning. But as the sun started to warm a bit it was fine. The sun was shining from a cloudless sky. We had the opportunity to ride in a sled behind a reindeer and throw a lasso. There were also two tipis where we could go in if we felt it was too cold. There we were served boiled reindeer meat and broth.

The second year pupils are enjoying themselves by the fire.

Date of inclusion on the website: 10.02.2009

Joiken inntar Iberia

Det joikes i Spania om dagen, og bade spanjoler, italienere, tyrkere og polakker deltar i koret.

Stein Torger Svala

Hva gjor elever og larere fra Samisk videregaende skole i den spanske byen Toledo halveis i semesteret, i +20 grader mens medelevene hjemme opplever -30?
Larer Terje Lindi roper at de arbeider med prosjekter sammen med elever fra skoler i Polen, Tyrkia, Italia og Spania. Sammen skal elevene lage et magasin, bli kjent med redaktor- og journalistrolle samtidig som de praktiserer sine engelskkunnskaper. Derfor er ogsa engelsklarer Kari Vatnes med pa turen.


Det er EU som skaper muligheten for at elever fra ulike land kan jobbe sammen. Comeniusprosjektenes malsetting er a gi elever fra 14 til 19 ar bedre forstaelse av eget land og andre land som deltar. Hvert ar starter nye prosjekter og to ganger i skolearet motes elevene et eller annet sted i Europa.
De forste motene er koordinerende der to-tre elever deltar fra hvert land. Her avklarer de detaljene i samarbeidsprosjektene. De andre motene innvolverer sa mange av elevene som mulig.
- Viktigste delmal er samtidig at de skal bli kjent med hverandres kulturer over de to ar dette prosjektet varer, sier han.
Det forste prosjektbesok var i Polen i fjor host, na er de altsa i Spania, og i april setter de kursen for samarbeidende skole i Tyrkia. Hver besoksrunde er pa fem dager inklusive to reisedager.
- I oktober skal de til Italia, og sa kommer alle de andre til Karasjok. Det vil skje i anledning 6. februar, sa det vil bli en interessant og internasjonal markering, sier Lindi som forteller at elevene hele tiden lofter fram samisk kultur pa disse reisene.
- Det er malet for var skole, sier han.
Lindi forteller at Samisk videregaende skole for tiden har tre slike internasjonale samarbeidsprosjekter gaende.

Date of inclusion on the website: 10.02.2009

Logo Competition in Poland

A week before leaving for a meeting in Toledo the Polish comenius team decided on the logo competition. There were thirty-one students' works to choose from. So it was a really tough task. According to the logo criterion, students put the whole name of the project or the acronym EMU in their designs. To show the cooperation among the five countries, students put some symbols of the European Union as well as the symbols of the five partner countries. After a long discussion and voting, logo number 14 won. His author is a student of class I ms Mateusz Kopytko.

Date of inclusion on the website: 10.02.2009

A visit to the printing company "Edytor" in Dzierżoniów

The knowledge of a journalist's workshop and ability to write good articles are not the only features which let to create a newspaper. There is one more feature - edition. The printing company Edytor in Dzierżoniów was the last but not least place to be visited by our students. During their visit on the 4th of February, 2009, students of Zespół Szkół Bielawa got to know a range of printing service, edition proceeding, modern technologies and printing equipment. They observed a process of exposing to format A1, producing cardboard packagings,leaflets and business cards. Students also visited a bookbindery. The owner of the printing company Mr Tomasz Ligienza was the person to take our students for a trip in the world of printing. He presented printing devices and how a printing point works. Workers of the company explained how the devices work. It occured to be very interesting to our students. All the students got nice presents and what is the most important they gathered a great experience which can be useful in further lives.

Date of inclusion on the website: 04.02.2009

A visit to "Wiadomości Bielawskie"

The local market of newspapers in not only Tygodnik Dzierżoniowski and that is why our students visited editorial office of Wiadomości Bielawskie on Tuesday, the 3rd of February, 2009. They had an opportunity to meet the editor in chief Mrs. Barbara Lesiewicz. The students mainly asked about work of a journalist, how the material is collected, what makes an article interesting, what features a good journalist should have. A nice atmosphere of conversation caused that the students felt free to ask other questions. Politics, times of communist Poland and its censorship, journeys, education around the world were the topics that involved students into talk. A reflection after the meeting was that a journalist is a person who has got a wide knowledge and interests.

Date of inclusion on the website: 03.02.2009

A meeting with "Tygodnik Dzierżoniowski"

One of the tasks of the project is to familiarize students with work of local newspapers. That is why the editor in chief of Tygodnik Dzierżoniowski Anna Augustyniak conducted a short workshop in Zespół Szkół in Bielawa on the 13th of January 2009. The students found out what are the latest tendencies in creating a text, its heading and content; which topics help to hold a high level of sale. They also learnt that an editor in chief does not have to finish professional journalistic studies. The young journalists of our school promised to write their drafts according to rules of arranging news in a newspaper article. The editor in chief invited students to cooperation with Tygodnik Dzierżoniowski and promised to meet with them once again.

Date of inclusion on the website: 13.01.2009

Photos of polar night in Norway

It is time of the northern light in Norway. Pictures taken by Kjell Sarre from Karasjok.

Date of inclusion on the website: 12.01.2009

Criterion For The Logo Competion

  1. The whole name of the Project or the acronym EMU must appear in the design.
  2. There must be some symbols of the UE, as well as the symbols of the five cooperating countries.
  3. The logo must show the cooperation among the five countries.
  4. The format must be presented in a digital medium
  5. It must be easily noticeable when printed in black and white.
  6. It must have a high resolution (min. 300 ppp)(size:65x65 mm).
  7. Originality will be valued.

Date of inclusion on the website: 08.01.2009

Update: 08.09.2010